Thanks for all the help to those who led me up to this point!
After much research, I'll be ordering a pair of Salk SongTower speakers and a Salk SongCenter (surround is not a priority for now).
Here's the question/bottom line: I need a sub or two to complement the system. I plan on crossing over at 60 or 80 hz depending on what sounds best/works best for my room.
I e-mailed my top 3 vendors of choice (HSU, SVS, and Rythmik) with the following question:
What's your most accurate/distortion free/flat frequency response (for music only) sub for medium volume listening? I have about 2500 cubic feet in the living room but it opens to the kitchen (upping the cubic feet quite a bit).
Here are the responses:
HSU: Our cleanest sounding and deepest reaching subwoofers are the VTF-15H andULS-15. That said, our 8"/10"/12" subwoofers are excellent for music too!
SVS: Our most accurate/distortion free/flat frequency response sub for any program material is an Ultra, either the PC13 or PB13. The Ultra woofer is the cleanest and most dynamic we’ve ever produced due to its unique underhung voice coil motor topology which results in extremely low distortion and a very linear power response with extended upper frequency response.
Having said that, for music only (where the deepest bass isn’t a propriety) at moderate levels the SB13-Plus would be outstanding and may offer more flexibility in placement which can make a big difference.
Rythmik: One F15 is enough to fill that room with good accurate bass, especially for music.
I found all responses to be very helpful (they responded quickly too, less than 24 hours via e-mail). But, I'd like some common folk to weigh-in. For those with experience with these brands/subs (or others), would you care to share your own experience? My limitations are 20" x 20" x 20" (or very close to it - certainly, smaller is better) for size/WAF, budget of $1,000 - $1,500 + shipping, and a slight preference for sealed (size).
With these constraints, I think the SVS SB13, HSU ULS15, and Rythmik F15 merit further consideration. Thoughts? By the way, my current room is square but I move every few years so this is not a consideration (other than I can't choose / set up an ideal room). Also, placement is highly influenced by WAF.