I have a 'friend' that I help out with tech stuff (my first mistake). His 'demands' for my free assistance are becoming tiresome.
He wanted to get going with digital music, so I suggested a SqueezeBox Touch. I have a SB2 and SB3. They work well and require little attention to keep working IMO. Of course I am a SW Engineer and know how to work with network devices fairly well.
So we get him all setup a few months ago with a SB Touch and a WD 1.5T HD, all working fine. He can play local music on the HD and stream Pandora (and more). It works, he's happy.
He calls me one night and says it's not working (of course)... I tell him I cannot/will not diag the issue over the phone, next time I am at his place, I'll take a look. He goes w/o music until I find time to visit. After an hour of diggin' around in the SB web interface I find the problem. Turns out someone in the house pointed the SB library to some non existent iTunes folder. Easy fix, point it to the HD music, he's back up and running.
Last week he calls again, tells me no music.... says his son was 'fixing' an issue with Avast AV and now he's w/o music. I once again tell him I cannot/will not diag the issue over the phone, I can take a look next time I visit. He seems to be learning impaired about this consistent message that I tell him ..... I am not his on demand tech b*tch. Unless he wants to pay me $50/hr for tech support, I am not gonna drop everything to fix his stuff.
I know this is all my own fault, for offering to assist in the first place. *I* am in fact learning impaired, as I cannot seem to learn this simple lesson. Stop offering to help people with Tech, they'll never get it, and will always just want more.
I have another neighbor that upgraded here DirecTV receiver and wants me to reprogram her universal remote.... for free, or a "I'll have you over for dinner' deal. Why? What makes these people think I am free for their on demand tech needs? I know, I know... it's me for offering to help in the first place.
I fix stuff all day at work, I have a house full of tech, a wife and two daughters that have no clue how it works, so I fix what ever they need... and now I have 'friends' and 'neighbors' that demand my time to fix their tech too. I'm done. No more offers to help, no free advise, no free tech support. RTFM people, if ya want tech, learn how to use and maintain it, don't call me.