That's the kind of honest response I was hoping for. Thanks Pyrrho!!
I will run HDMI through the receiver.
Thank you as well Nestor!
The only thing you can gain by running HDMI from TV source to receiver is convenience. Otherwise, you do have to buy another HDMI cable (albeit cheap, and the other method requires SPDIF), you might be subject to HDCP handshake issues, you may not have the added flexibility of using TV speakers only if so desired, and you may lose convenience and/or flexibility in having dedicated calibrations per source input.
So, when there is absolutely nothing to be gained in performance by running video to the receiver first, I usually don't with a TV. My projector system is different, because of how long the runs are, the associated costs, and the difficulty of fishing it, all the way through the PJ mount.
And it's not bullshit that there are audio processors out there will muck up your video. They shouldn't, but some do.