WE Energies is the power utility for a large part of Wisconsin, comprised of the old Wisconsin Gas Company and Wisconsin Electric. They merged and guess who supplies the natural gas to the electric company, supposedly at a discount? Guess who keeps charging its customers more on a regular basis, due to potential, not actual, cost increases? Guess who decided to build a coal-fired plant on the south side of Milwaukee, even though the local residents didn't want it in their back yard, the EPA wanted to operate more cleanly (WE Energies was fined heavily because the EPA wanted more scrubbers for the smoke)? Guess which coal-fired power plant has never run at full capacity and apparently isn't able to, cost far more than they projected and, based on their comments that demand wasn't as high as they thought it would be, is being used as the reason for another rate increase?
We have three nuclear plants in Wisconsin but in our case, I would rather have a different power utility.