Attracted to sound
I've been thinking about spikes for a while now, and believe one thing was left out of this.
The fact that spikes on the underside of speaker stands heps stabilize the speaker stand on carpet is kinda clever and no doubt true, they do little else ofc.
What I'm thinking about is spikes/rubber feet which manufacturers and even ppl stick/screw to their speaker cabinets.
They can have a negative or positive effect depending on their placement.
Think about it, if looking at the underside of a square speaker bottom plate, what point is less likely to vibrate?
The corner where the center line of the wall thicknesses "meet", seems to my understanding to be the "deadest" spot as two walls and one bottom plate unite.
The key is to lift the bottomplate off the floor/speaker stand, and let it rest on it's corners.
The less rigid your given speaker kabinet is, the more effect you'll get from doing this.
I don't see any use in using spikes unless they have rubber insulating them from the cabinet themselves. Besides the cosmetic value ofc.
(Who knows, maybe your neighbour in the apartment below will let you listen to music in peace
or you might even hear a difference yourself)