it's all the same, people don't listen and act without thinking. They want our help and continue to not listen to advise.
I help a neighbor with tech stuff (mostly because I can't seem to get rid of her, long story, divorced, friend of my wife, blah, blah)
She needs portable harddrive, I suggest she get a WD Passport at Costco, she buys a SimpleTech' at Sams and now it won't work on Windows 7, only XP.
She needs an HDTV, I suggest a 42-46" given the seating distance, she buys a 37" and sits 14 ft away. I mention that she may want to upgrade her DirecTV service to HD and stop feeding the HDTV an SD signal, she ignores me and continues to feed it SD.
perhaps not quite the same as your paying client, but similar situation. Tech advise requested and ignored, results not met.