When I posted that flat black should be used, it's on the wood behind the fabric. That way, any gaps won't show up as light-colored bare wood.
Yes, I know, your post was perfectly clear. I still wouldn't change any part of my post, assuming that it is wood we are talking about. Your advice seems to be good advice, and in fact he can probably just paint the immediate area of the corners only.
For gluing of velvet in particular, I am not worried at all about glue spots except in the case of overkill with liquid glue (not worried about spray). [strike]The splining at miter faces is interesting, but it doesn't sound easy for someone like me, in fact, I'm not sure if it's really worth the effort for my own point of view.[/strike] Nevermind, you meant stapling into grooves. Splining screen material didn't work out for me, on the back of the frame. Oh, that was a PITA!!! lol. That ended up all stapled. The velvet was glued.
Lastly, whether flat black paint, screws, if one was to use a very good velvet, there is always the risk that it still stands out, as they are comparatively reflective compared to black hole velvet.
edit: if splining with vinyl, best to have both the spline and material on hand, so that you can test them before going too wide with the dado.