Hey guys,
Check out my room response for the a7s-650 (at the listening position). The attached chart was actually measurements that I took with an spl meter and sinusoidal frequencies from 10 hz to 100 hz. There's about 40 different values in between, and the far left axis represents 10 hz and the far right is 100 hz. Also, ignore the scale on the y-axis for "actual" values, it's just showing the range of dB's across the frequency range.
So, I've tried about 5 or 6 different positions in my room for the sub, and no matter what, there's that huge peak from ~40 to 60 hz. Which definitely attributes to it sounding "boomy." Anyhow, my receiver will only allow you to adjust standing waves down to 63 hz, so there goes that option.
Someone else mentioned trying the Behreinger feedback destroyer. Any thoughts there? Also, anything else I could try? I've got an isolation platform on the way, so maybe that will help too?
Thanks in advance!