Velvodine SMS-1 or SVS ASEQ-1 processing. Velvodine only allows 3 subs to be connected
Don't know anything about the SVS - I just heard of it like 5 mins ago reading here.
Comments on these combinations are welcome. Wondering if I am going too big? Promise to post pics once system is complete.
The ASEQ1 can do dual subs. If for some reason you get more than two subs, look at the BassQ by JBL. More expensive though.
I would try the DIY route if I were you. It's easy to say, but I built my first this year, though admittedly much, much easier as a kit. Then I repaired a speaker, pretty easy. Then I built a false wall and screen, more work there. My sub is a DTS10; I have to warn you it is just silly heavy though. It is so efficient that it's notched down maybe 14db or so from my front three. I mean, that's a silly huge difference. I then put a shelving filter at the very bottom end after EQ for the very low stuff.
The above said, I'd be looking at the Seaton and JTR stuff too, among others.
Check out the Tuba HT by Fitzmaurice, for plans to build an awesome sub. Oh I see Matt already linked it, so you know already, nevermind.
With your budget, you could build four of those, get the BassQ, yet have money to spare, and simply have more bass than you could possibly know what to do with. Again, these are very efficient; you can save money on the amplifier end since you won't need much power. If I were to build subwoofers again, so to speak, these would be the first consideration for me, I believe. Yes, I'd make my friend help me. If you built four, I'd start budgeting for window replacements though. Heck you could probably break a window with just one of them.
EDIT: I see that the room is 20x20x10. Oh that's going to have massive modal issues. Hmm. I'd start looking for a different room.