(I'm sorry if this is covered somewhere but I can't find the answer):
I am trying to connect a powered subwoofer (with cross-over) to an amp with L/R pre-outs. The subwoofer has only one RCA input (plus speaker wire ins and outs). My understanding is that if I use a Y-splitter to convert the L&R channels at the amp (pre-amp connectors) into one audio line to the sub, the amp will send mono to my speakers. Is there an adapter that can be used in the line to the sub to allow me to combine the two pre-outs to one line without screwing up my amp or my signal? Are there other clever options? My amp has speaker-wire outs for two sets of speakers, and I'm trying to avoid using speaker wire to connect the sub in serial to the set of speakers it is paired with (the other speaker channel is to a set in another room).
Right now I have the sub plugged into the R channel of the pre-out. Thanks for any help!
(Cambridge Audio 640Av.2 amp, Hsu STF2 sub, Focal speakers).