For any woofer, to design a cabinet that performs correctly, you need to know at least three numbers:
Qts, and
Vas. They are often referred to as the Thiel/Small (T/S) parameters. Look in
this example for those numbers.
Every manufacturer provides those values that they have measured. If you have the right tools and software, you can measure them yourself. Without those values, you can't make an intelligent choice, and you are essentially pissing in the dark on a windy day.
I won't try to explain how you go about designing a cabinet once you know the T/S parameters because it is fully explained in the book I mentioned to you earlier, Speaker Building 201. If you make the effort to read and understand that, we'll be happy to answer questions you have.
To answer your original question, I don't know of any 7" driver that was intended to be used as a subwoofer. Most 7" drivers I know of were meant to be used as mid-woofers in a 2-way speaker. Some really good examples might go as low as 35-40 Hz in an appropriate sized cabinet. And 25 watts RMS at 8 ohms is not nearly enough to work for a real subwoofer.
It would help me understand where you are coming from if I knew how old you are. Sometimes your questions remind me of my son when he was about 14 years old. He wanted to know everything - right now - without working to get the answers. If you are that young, inexperienced, but enthusiastic, go get that book and read the first few chapters. If you can't buy it, find it in a library. If you are older, but equally inexperienced, I have the same advice. Get that book and start getting smarter.
Don't take TLS Guy personally. He knows what he is talking about, and I would take any advice from him seriously, but his bark is worse than his bite
