I don't think it is sad that he has the disorder, and obviously, he doesn't either. He seems to be dealing with it in a positive way if you ask me.
I don't think anyone can have Tourette syndrome and not be 'sad' about it... Some might learn to live with it, and accept it, but to go as far to say as he's not sad... I doubt it, like an OCD or whatnot, must be quite hard to live with, and it's constant... But that said, the vid was pretty awesome. A case of laughing with the guy and not at the guy... Slight difference there but difference none the less. It's like a black guy doing black jokes, it's funny, white guy doing the same thing probably wouldn't pass, and he'd be called a racist..
I thought it was awesome, I'd rather play this version than REM's!
Oh life! ****it...
It's bigger ****up!
It's bigger than you and you are not me.... ****!!!
The thing that I would go to **** IT!
The distance in your eyes **** OYYY!!! *Pop*tsssk*T*T*pop
About tourette, ex: put 6m30:
It's not just a small banal thing...