You could be right about the money being spent, but let me propose an alternative scenario.
MLS made a lot of trips overseas. He had a mistress whom I fondly refer to as Ms. Khabarovski. He spent lavishly upon her and her family buying among other things, clothes, a fur coat, two cars (used), a small house/apartment for her folks, and a boob job for her. From speaking with people who were close with MLS, he often spoke about marrying her and hoped to have children with her.
Now, his wife by now I would assume has learned about this and other affairs/dalliances/hookers, etc. he has been involved with. If we grant the premise above, it's entirely reasonable that MLS was squirreling away money for years in some foreign account which he has hidden from people here. Like his wife. She can't be happy with the way things have turned out. The house is facing foreclosure as he's delinquent in both his primary and secondary mortgages. The only source of income, and that includes hers, is gone. If you were MLS, would you tell her, "Oh honey. Babycakes. Don't worry. I've got $X hidden overseas."? MLS is all about MLS. He cares nothing for friends, family, or business associates.
So, in my eyes, I cannot discount the possibility that he's got money somewhere that only he knows about and that there's no record of it here for the authorities, and that includes the Department of Revenue & IRS, to tap into.