

Audioholic Slumlord
268.2 lbs. :)

I have no idea how people loose oodles of weight by reading fitness magazines and thinking fit thoughts. A couple of lbs went off easy with just a little walking and not eating the wrong things but the last 3 or 4 went by way of working hard for 11 days straight and eating lots.

This is my first day off and it has started out with 2 Gorgonzola burgers, 4 medium eggs an a couple of pieces of good bread. What? I been good for a long time !!! :eek:


Audioholic Overlord
I have turned this thread to focus more on me and my fitness goals, please refrain from talking about yourself on it.
268.2 lbs. :)

I have no idea how people loose oodles of weight by reading fitness magazines and thinking fit thoughts. A couple of lbs went off easy with just a little walking and not eating the wrong things but the last 3 or 4 went by way of working hard for 11 days straight and eating lots.

This is my first day off and it has started out with 2 Gorgonzola burgers, 4 medium eggs an a couple of pieces of good bread. What? I been good for a long time !!! :eek:


Audioholic Slumlord
I was at 264 but the job finished and I went back up a few pounds. Some side work and working on the fofo is keeping me active. I was stoked to get under 265. Now the goal is to see 259 on the scale. I've been eating ice cream and desserts a little bit lately ... matter of fact we got some cinnamon buns at whole foods made with like healthy stuff. Kinda pricey but super tasty. Fattening as f^%& anyway you look at it. Either way ... I'm still a sexy beast ... ask Greg. :rolleyes: :D


Audioholic Overlord
I just threw up again...

Anyway, I turned this into my thread, remember...

Yes, my fitness is back on track. I dropped about 4% more body fat and I am on a nasty "finishing" diet for the next 2 weeks. Then off to the Bahamas where I will try to gain 50lbs with all the food and booze that I see.
I was at 264 but the job finished and I went back up a few pounds. Some side work and working on the fofo is keeping me active. I was stoked to get under 265. Now the goal is to see 259 on the scale. I've been eating ice cream and desserts a little bit lately ... matter of fact we got some cinnamon buns at whole foods made with like healthy stuff. Kinda pricey but super tasty. Fattening as f^%& anyway you look at it. Either way ... I'm still a sexy beast ... ask Greg. :rolleyes: :D


Republican Poster Boy
Okay... 5 years ago I weighed 368 on January 3rd. I couldn't put button my pants. I called my office cancelled my week, cleaned my cabinets of junk, went to the health food store, and joined the gym. I lost 109 pounds in 9 months and another 20 over the next 3 or 4. All was well. I was in the best shape since my college days. I'm very muscular anyway and have been a weightlifter on an off all my life. I got down to about 265 but was fairly rock solid. Not long after, I started dating Nancy took a new position at my company and things started going astray. I caught myself and got going again. Then I had my motorcycle wreck and broke and tore both of my shoulders apart. 3 surgeries, bolts and screws, and a lot of down time put me back right back where I started. Over the course of couple years I not so slowly went back to my old ways and got fat again.

Fast foreward to Dec 29. I went to put on my jacket and could zip it. I suddenly had this ephiphany... again. Here I was, about the same time as years before, disgusted with myself weighing in at 361. I didn't wait until the new year to start, or the next day, or after I finish this meal... I started right then. A new SNAP Fitness 24 hour gym opened near my house and I went right over and joined. I've been lifting and doing my cardio. It's been just a month now and I've already lost 19 pounds... actually 23 but I've put on 4 pounds of muscle already based on the body fat testing I had done at the wellness center.

You just gotta do it. "There's no secret, no magic. I announced my intention to lose 50 pounds by my birthday (July 13th) to everyone... even in our roundtable at work. I'm not f-ing around. I have a bad knee from my wreck, but using the eliptical doesn't seem to bother it much nor does the cycle.

It hasn't been long and I already feel like a different person. Just do it.
All awesome and I applaud you, however I think even if you took steroids it would be impossible to put on 4lbs of muscle in 30 days.


Audioholic Slumlord
... and then all hell broke loose

I think even if you took steroids it would be impossible to put on 4lbs of muscle in 30 days.
How about 4 lbs of fat in 30 seconds?

Oh yeah ... mmm ... daddy loves you. :eek: :)


Audioholic Spartan
Where was all this stuff hidden when we were up there?:D:(


Audioholic Slumlord
Where was all this stuff hidden when we were up there?:D:(
You remember I kept talking about dessert the whole time? Well I finally got around to it but sadly it looked better than it tasted. We stopped at a bakery we just noticed in the area and it turned out to be not that hot. In RI you just can't beat the Italians for that stuff. The Pork&Cheese people can't compete.

We got a loaf of bread there too. I hope I don't regret that as well.
I'm going to make a sangwich and I'll report back. :)

EDIT: ... good bread ... probably Italian.
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Audioholic Overlord
That depends on where you buy it.

All that stuff looks better than it tastes.
I have two Italian bakeries within three miles that turn out some phenomenal stuff, and that's not even counting the Portuguese ones in Newark.


Audioholic Spartan
Like Mark said, you just have to know where to get it.
... and having met Mark I can see that he knows right where to go. :eek: :D
Mark goes where his much better half tells him to go.:p

BTW...Those Portuguese bakery custard thingies were pretty darn good and I rarely eat stuff like that.

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