If you shop wisely, you can get an 80's Japanese table, used, in superb condition, that offers the performance of what you normally have to pay thousands to acquire. I can specify units of this quality if you desire. Also, there are a very few select cartridges that offer far higher construction quality and performance compared to most, if you pick wisely. So it is possible to have a very high performance LP player and cartridge set up for say, $600 total, maybe even less. Normally, $600 would buy you an 'entry' level 'audiophile' LP player, which btw, is compromised compared to what you can get for less money, used, picking 80's Japanese tables carefully.
Quality cheap stuff is always cool with me. Although $600 is still a bit high for me. I have a Pioneer PL 960 with an ortofon needle. Is that player any good? I doubt it has too much wear and tear as I only played LP's on and off in my teen years. When cds came out I was hooked. I bought one of Yamaha's 1st cd models for around $400 dollars and really wish I hadn't given it away (but my friend was in dire need at the time). Anyway, any advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks from another Chris!