The "tightness" of a sub is often discussed, but does it ever get measured?
It seems like it would be easy enough to send a rim tap (or for the sake of standardization a specific signal such as a square wave) and see what the response at a microphone looks like. I'm sure the best would look rather poor (compared to an amp's performance), but relative differences would be good to see.
Would this work?
Is it already being done, and I just don't recognize it (Ilkka has a few graphs I don't follow)?
You are clinging to the myth of "fast bass". There is no such thing. To produce a spike you need a wide band frequency response. A sub only covers very low frequencies and does not have the frequency response to produce a fast upright spike.
You can measure what you want and it is frequently done. The number is Qts.
This reflects the quality of the resonance, or broadness of the resonant peak.
Below a Qts of 0.5 the bass will seem to stop before it gets going and seem unnatural. Above 1.0 it will be definitely boomy. Popular wisdom says 0.7 for Qts is about right, personally I think it is too high. I like it around 0.5.
Now you won't get that from a ported or PR sub, unless you use a second order coupled cavity sub, where Qts can be tightly controlled. That is why I favor TL speakers, even though they take up a lot of real estate. You can do it with a sealed sub, but you have to use brute force to get bass extension, which means an expensive driver with huge xmax, so you can equalize to get bass extension, as F3 is so high without it. To drive it you need a mega amp.
The TL on the other hand can easily achieve low bass extension, at good efficiency without pushing things to the limit. The driver gets support from the pipe over about 1.5 octaves to support the direct radiation from the speaker. At the same time you get a natural deep bass that is light on its feet.
Part of the reason for this is that a loudspeaker cone is a very poor coupler to the room. A ported Qb4 solves this, as the port couples well, but the reproduction is prone to be resonant with highish Qts. A pipe couples very well to the space and a horn best of all, with the highest efficiency.