Wait till the EPA starts fining you for using that shiny new Chevy Volt car. Takes coal to generate that electric charging power, ya know...not to mention the huge pollution potential of all those used up batteries.

Hmmm. Could it be that a coal derived electric car pollutes more than gas powered one?
Actually, gents. The EPA is going to regulate Cap and Trade right down your throats. Who needs a vote of the suddenly irrelevant congress to approve Cap and Trade (probably the biggest economic nightmare on the planet)?! The administration apparently holds congress with the same contempt that the rest of America does.
Ah, the EPA. By the way, check out the Chicago Climate Exchange. (Chicago, eh?! Why does that city sound familiar?) Al Gore has invested heavily. (The wise among you can now see the way that wind blows.

) It operates like Enron....remember them? This bunch of, uh, people...are all about "energy futures". What's an energy future? Well, what they will do...with a tiny nudge from the EPA, thanks to a tiny nudge from Cass Sunstein (the Regulatory Czar), and serially thanks to a slightly less tiny nudge from the imperial leader himself...will be to make industry "polluters" (that translates to ALL industries that use any kind of power, btw) pay a fee to those industries that don't (that would be those 'industries' that don't use energy, like Indonesian rice farmers). Energy (pollution) exchange. Get it? Some would call this redistribution of wealth. But what are a few inconsequential words among friends?! The CCX would just be energy brokers. And just like Enron, they won't do or make anything. They'll just be middlemen in an energy "exchange". Cool con, eh?!
What with everything you touch in your life...from the time you get up till the time you go to bed being regulated by the Federal Government, how dare I be so flippant since they obviously care so much about me? Everything, says me? Yep. Everything! From the flame retardant mattresses and pillows we get off of, to the coffee and its growing and distribution (did I mention tariffs and taxes?), to the car you drive to work (don't forget that EPA again, as well as the taxing of the gas to power it, the roads it drives on, its registration, etc.), to the clothes you wear (did I mention the taxes you pay for them?), to the work you do (did I mention the taxes you pay for the privelege of working), to the alcohol you put in your hot toddy to try to get to sleep at night back on the safe ol' mattress. And now, the air you breathe is being regulated. Think I'm kidding?! I wish I were. It already is. (Not that you NEED it after being so well insulated from coal fumes and a billion other nasty things trying to take your health). You are being excellently taken care of by your imperial government. Yes you are.
Does anyone else feel like we have less control over this imperial governmental structure than we did with King George III?
Hey, Mark. Now you know why I haven't posted much lately. I've been busy genuflecting.