Amongst the documents leaked, it appears that there was at least some raw, unconfirmed data. And, it has caused a bit of a stink up here. During the Battle of Panjwaii, in 2006, there was a skirmish that resulted in the deaths of 4 Canadian soldiers. One of the leaked documents claimed that they died during a blue-on-blue incident - an American aircraft supposedly bombed a building they were in. However, after the battle, it was announced that they had been killed by Taliban bullets and/or RPGs.
After the leaking of these documents, our government opposition parties started to accuse the goverment of a "cover-up" and that Canadians were being lied to about the war. The media also played its part by playing up this "information" because it was controversy.
Only after the comrades of these 4 soldiers, who were right there when they died, came forward to say no, that's wrong, they died from the battle with the Taliban, not friendly fire, has the hullabaloo started to die down.
All this controversy served to do, was re-traumatize the families of those who died, and nothing else. The government oppostion and the media couldn't be bothered to do a bit of fact checking before playing up this nonsense.
BTW, total casualties from that battle: 16 Canadian and 2 American KIA, several (uncountable) hundred Taliban KIA. Message that you cannot go toe-to-toe with us - priceless....