Don't know if anyone is still following with this thread but I think I'm going about give up on this calibration stuff. I spent the last 2 days trying to get my plasma looking good and it looks like crap even though my numbers are good. This leads me to believe that I have some setting wrong. The other 2 LCDs I did look great but my main TV, a plasma, looks dark and crappy. The one thing that is different setting wise is that I'm using the plasma profile here and not the LCD even though the walkthrough indicates if you are using the Eye One to use the plasma profile for plasma. Seems to make sense but it looks BAD. I set my old settings back which were on the standard profile and my new calibrations which are on my movie setting and flipped back and forth. The calibrated settings in the movie mode look terrible. I'm still not totally happy with the non calibrated old standard settings I had and I believe it can be better because the 2 LCDs I did do look much better but there is something wrong here with whatever I'm doing with the plasma. End result looks dark in all aspects. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Hm. Can you say anything more about what looks wrong on your post-calibration plasma? Aslo, what make and model is it? If it looks too dark, my guess is you've got brightness, perhaps contrast, and perhaps gamma improperly set. How did you fix brightness and contrast? This is generally not done with the meter and software, but visually with the basic patterns available on the AVS-HD disc. You want brightness to be set so the dark bar numbered 16 just barely disappears into the background but the bar numbered 17 is definitely but only just barely visible (in a light-controlled room, mind you). You want contrast to be set so the TV displays as many bright gray bars as possible above 235. The better ones easily go all the way up to 252 or even 254. Also, if the bars at the bright end start turning at all pink, you've pushed contrast too high and should lower it until the pink disappears. Have you tied that yet?
Don't give up, FuzzyReets; I've been doing fairly committed amateur calibration work since 2007 and I'll be more than happy to help you work through whatever problems you're having right now.