LOL yeah. The government rarely changes. If they do they normally get worse. The best hope we have is that congress and the president don't get along. I still remember the late 90s when the economy was golden, the congress and president hated each others guts and we ended up with a surplus. Unfortunately we ended up with next LBJ at the beginning of this century.
We need people that don't get along in Washington so they stop changing the rules on us.
Theoretically, we have three branches of government so one doesn't get all high & mighty, taking control of everything and creating a tyrannical situation, or trying to go back to a Monarchy. All three are supposed to be the checks and balances for the others and what we have now is all three in virtual lock-step with a few stragglers complaining along the way. Congress kept Carter from running us into the ground and we still had major problems with Iran and the oil embargo. A congress who thinks the same as a President is the same as the biggest blank check in the world. They're no different from someone who says "I MUST have money- I still have checks". As the Sen. in 'Shooter' said, "there's no Democrats and Rebublicans, it's the 'haves' and 'have-nots'."
I have no problem if someone has a buttload of money and all of their friends are the same. I have a problem when people think that their money makes them ten feet tall and bulletproof. I have a problem when the government is so arrogant that they treat the populace as their subjects, as if all of them are completely ignorant of "how things are". When that same government is responsible for bad education systems, keeping people in bad physical condition through abolishing physical ed. classes and when fast food equals garbage food, the rest have little chance of creating change on their own. If the government ever begins to restrict who goes to school and who doesn't, it's time for a major personnel change. Just making it a requirement for kids to go to school doesn't guarantee good results and they have shown this for decades.
Too many people voted with their emotions. It's high time people thought about who they're electing, not who will make it an "historical election".