Got this from the FAQ at the top of the page:
Forum Rules to Live By:
No posting posts accusing or screaming at Audioholics, admins or the moderators UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES OR ABOUT ANY SUBJECT or, as another example, demanding answers
if a "most favored poster" is banned. If you have a question, PM a moderator. If you start demanding to know "WHY???" on the forum where everyone on the Internet can see it, you'll get one opportunity to shut up, and then you will follow the "most favored poster." We are here to keep the forum running smoothly, not to play favorites, explain ourselves, or to exempt certain people from behavior that, if a newbie did it, would elicit screams of "Ban him!" from half the membership. If we do something, it's for a reason. If we make a mistake, we'll rectify it, but demanding answers in public will almost invariably make the entire moderator team annoyed at you and more determined NEVER to change the decision, so think before you do this.