Isiberian, i would really love to see your side, but living here in AZ I just can't. I work in the healthcare industry and today we just did a 150,000 procedure on a mexican citizen who has no valid social security number, no legal address and is considered a self pay. Now tell me what are the chances that we will ever see a dime of that money. Never mind the fact the doctor spent three hours on his procedure, the two nurses and the Rad techs and various staff, lets not forget his hospital stay, medicine and food. So you have a business that by law has to take care of those who can't afford it, but yet this is just one guy today alone. Now how is a business to stay open when its customers don't pay one cent for the services.
Phoenix has in the past ten years had two major hospitals close due to non payment of illegals, and the hospital I work at (that has been here for over 100 years mind you) is next on the chopping block. So you'll have to forgive me if I don't give a rats arse if the police are right or wrong in asking somebody who they have legally stopped if they have a valid form of ID.
It's comments like yours that proves that you have never read SB 1070 and all that it entails. For if you had, you would see that pulling random people over is not allowed and trust me the police here have far too much to do, than waste their time in randomly pulling over people.
Our schools are suffering, because so many illegals send their children here for education yet not one of them pays taxes that help fund the school system, so education scores have dropped dramatically, teachers are spending more time trying to teach an immigrant a tiny amount of english to help pass the tests, instead of spenidng that time teaching the englsih speaking students their lessons.
Or have you ever been the victim of a hit and run by an illegal and now your insurance rates have skyrocketed to help pay for these illegals. In AZ the number one reason for high insurance rates is uninsured motorists and I can tell you that is 90% illegals who drive around. Crime is rampant, why" because illegals know how to buck the system and since they don't pay fines and the only punishment they get is a free trip back to Nogales (where they will be back the next day) kinda gets an average citizen riled up.
Oh yeah and my local taxes have just been increased again to help pay for the inlfux of citizens who don't pay their taxes, yeah I am a tad bitter, considering my paycheck doesnt go that far to begin with.
This law which has been on the federal law books for decades now is finally being enforced and your upset why? Because an illegal is being charged with his crime of entering the country illegally. Tell you what take a trip to Rocky Point and count how many times you get pulled over and aksed not for one but two forms of ID and oh yeah that small pesky little fine that you have to pay the federales right then and there. Your upset because an illegal is now being forced to show one form of valid ID and if you can give me one case where any illegal was beaten for not having a valid ID, I would love to see the police report on that one.
So untill you have lived here for years and dealt with this and had your paycheck squeezed, your wait time in ER lengethed and your insurance rates jacked up because some illegal smashed into you and ran, then please keep your comments to yourself on this issue.
btw here's a great qoute in todays AZ Republic listing how much it costs to jail illegals in 2008. "According to figures provided by the state, it cost Arizona $120.4 million to incarcerate illegal immigrants that year, not counting the expense of arrest and prosecution. The feds picked up about 10 percent of the tab: $12.8 million, leaving Arizona taxpayers to shoulder the rest of a burden that exists because the federal government can't – or won't -- do its job. "
Food for thought.