Giving women something to battle predators......



Audioholic Spartan
Now the men will just check for that device before raping the women, and if she has it he'll just tell her to remove it or he'll kill her.


Now the men will just check for that device before raping the women, and if she has it he'll just tell her to remove it or he'll kill her.
Dang I didn't think of that.........true though....I didnt know it was a big thing in South Africa but this may help catch some bad people...


Audioholic Spartan
How many women would actually wear one of these just in case? Would they need two of them? If she isn't raped, can she reuse them another day?


Audioholic General
So their joined until the doctor removes the guy? That's like a 24 hour rape instead of a few minutes.


So their joined until the doctor removes the guy? That's like a 24 hour rape instead of a few minutes.
Nope he has to go to a doctor to remove it....the croc condom that is...:eek:


Audioholic Overlord
Hobson's choice.

Good idea, but the culture in that part of the world pretty much guarantees that when some big guy encounters one of those, he'll most likey beat the living shiite out of the woman.


Audioholic Ninja
I think the net results will be more dead women, and rapists checking first.

... and huge profits for the manufacturer... but I'm sure that's a coincidence.


Now the men will just check for that device before raping the women, and if she has it he'll just tell her to remove it or he'll kill her.
Or, he'll just cut open the woman to remove it himself, doing so probably while the woman isn't alive anymore...

Sounds pretty lame.

Can't see how he'd walk around with his johnson still inside the woman to go see a doc... Also better not lose that erection I'd guess...

I'm pretty damn sure anyone wearing one of those would not survive an encounter. Wearing one of those is probably not too far away from a death sentence...

Just need more of those:



Audioholic Overlord
This is a bad idea for countless reasons.

The one mentioned above about getting the life beaten from you because it was there.

Secondly, what if some vindictive women decides to use this condemn on her husband just because she's mad at him? You know, convince him there's nothing going on and suddenly his log is jammed.

I seriously doubt you'll see this in the States as anything other than contraband.


Senior Audioholic
I think it's sad that rape is so bad there that this is one of the solutions...pretty sad stuff. It's crazy how bad some things are in different parts of the world. I'm truly thankful to to have been born in the USA.


Audioholic General
This story reminds me of a joke. (stop your groaning you heathens it's funny)

So during the times of King Arthur and his merry men, there was a small village that had a king and his gorgeous younger 20 something queen who was quite frisky. So before he went off to battle to defend his village, he went to the wizard and asked him to design the perfect chastity belt, anything that tried to penetrate the boundaries of the belt would be instantly cut off. So the king satisfied with the wizards design heads off to war.

A few years later he returns to the loving arms of his wife, but fearing she may have been unfaithful has all the men of the village line up and strip, sure enough, every man of age has been turned into a eunich showing they at least tried to sully the virtue of his queen, except one lone strapping young lad who was still with equipment. The King so amazed that one man in his village had the fortitude and strength to be faithful to his king and not try anything agrees to reward this man with any wish he may have.

So the king approaches the young man and asks what he would like and the man says proudly, "ydiwbvbcv dcicwgdwp dbvdbcdgc" :D


Audioholic Overlord
I think this a great device for South Africa because rape there is a death sentence due to the overwhelming HIV epidemic. I realize it could be removed, but a guy high on glue doesn't think that clearly.

FYI it is still my favorite country in the world. The people are fantastic and spending a month there was one of the highlights of my life. If you have a chance to visit South Africa take it.


How on earth did this turn political? And how did it turn to a pissing match about US Canada difference????Just sayin..........:rolleyes:


It's actually to encourage those great anonymous negative feedback messages I just love, don't read too much into it! :D


Audioholic Slumlord
It's actually to encourage those great anonymous negative feedback messages I just love ...
... and those are left by people that you have pissed off.

You're certainly not here to make friends. That much is clear.


Audioholic Samurai
You're certainly not here to make friends. That much is clear.
Hey thats what Patrick says when he says something that you disagree with. "Pshh, I'm not here to make friends". Of course this always occurs at some point of the inebriation stages.....:)

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