I watched the video again and the girl he was trying to apprehend before the other pushed him got on his back when he had the other pinned up against the car. Bad situation.
LMAO she was in his back because he punched the other girl in the face, and then walked past her and exposed her back to her... And she was in his back screaming and trying to stop him from punching her friend another time.
The girl in the pink looks like she even had a couple inches on him and by the looks of her gut, a few pounds....
Oh jesus no police overmatched by tall overweight black chick.... Come on... He just had to hit her in the face, he had no other choice, she was really scary in real life... He feared for his life...
There is no reasoning with some people as you inferred was the right answer to deescalate the situation.
Huh huh huh when did I say that punching was the right answer to deescalate the situation? Shooting in the head was I believe I said, and that he should have deescalated the situation
without using violence is what I've been saying all along I believe. Is it not?
I think there's no reasoning with people who wants to hear nothing other than what they're saying...
It wasn't police brutality, he responded with the necessary force(nothing more than a high right hand punch) to subdue a fighting subject with minimal injuries.
"nothing more than a high right hand punch". Oh just a right hand to the face of a 17 year old girl, that's not brutality in the least... Naaaah, that's just necessary force for a 17 year old screaming girl resisting arrest for jay walking...
Cops are not experts at unarmed self defense plain and simple but I would really like to hear how you think he should have subdued them both.
It wasn't bruce lee in front of him, Mike Tyson or Mr T, it was a chick. How much of an expert do you need to be? Should definitely learn that during police academy... I said it before, he didn't have to subdue them both by himself, just call and wait for backup.
If you had it your way this cop would lose his job, his benefits and the ability to support his family because some nut job juvenile delinquent has no respect for authority by assaulting him in the performance of his duties.
lmao Yeah sure let's disregard the fact that he actually punched the girl in the face, and lets put 100% of the blame on the punched girl. What a joke. Also I never said he should lose his job, I haven't commented the least on eprimand or punishment... Only that he shouldn't have punched the girl in the face in that situation.
I smell a sort of defensiveness which might spawn from some sort of unity from police and military... Like someone is feeling threatened by all of this...
Originally Posted by GirgleMirt View Post
No, she didn't come at him. He was grappling her friend, and she came and tried to free her from his grasp, then she pushed him. It's not like she came out for no apparent reason and punched him...
So, the 2nd girl announced that she was the other's friend? No apparent reason from whose POV?
So he's grabbing one girl and she's screaming, then this other girl comes and tries to stop him from grappling the first chick and pushes him away from her. She didn't have to announce anything, her actions talked plenty loud. It wasn't a random cop attack on the street.
Yes, we all see it sitting in the relaxed comfort of our chairs and we can watch it over and over again. Being in the moment is an entirely different thing.
Yes, and bad decisions are easy to be made under those circumstances. That's why police officers are trained to handle these situations.
Taking classes at some point does not necessarily prepare you to deal and evaluate situations when they occur at some point in the future. That's a matter of constant practice so that you can develop sufficient familiarity and comfort such that your own body vitals operate at an optimum zone.
Yeah, and he failed to act appropriately in that situation. It's not like he's got 4-5 friday night classes and becomes a cop, that's the exact type of situations they should be trained to handle. It's not a case like when police is put in front of a wild tiger escaped from the zoo... That's the exact type of situations they're trained to handle.
Maybe they also show videos where police officers take a more restrained approach followed by a funeral.
Right, like he was really in a life threatening situation there...
To me, your threshold for brutality is much lower than mine.
Ok, so then the pushing of the girl, which sparked the punch, should be a really benign act which didn't warrant escalation of violence on the officer's part...
My threshold for brutality isn't low at all. But I guess that my threshold for a person in authority abusing his power and not doing his job adequately is quite low. Or maybe it's just that my threshold for someone punching a girl in the face full force for no good reason is quite low... I dunno.
The cop threw the first punch, and hit the girl in the face. The question is, could it have been avoided? Could the cop have done anything else which would not have resulted in having to resort to violence? What's the answer, yes or no? Because if you say yes, that there was another solution, then we're in agreement, that he didn't have to punch the girl in the face.
And FWIW, I'm not wholly on one side of the blue issue. For example, in many states, if a crime is committed against a police officer, the penalties escalate. IMO, if a police officer commits a crime, the penalties ought to proportionally escalate.
Escalate? What do you mean escalate? It would be absolutely amazing if cops just paid for the crimes they committed. But it doesn't happen often, they're like the mafia, they protect their own, it's almost like they're above the law sometimes.
Cops beat up a black guy? Bah, take a few week paid suspension (vacation), then everything goes back to normal. And let's face it, most of the time absolutely nothing happens to the cop... Just in some case, where one has the misfortune of being filmed and it's aired on TV, then a semblance of action is taken... And it's really not worth much.