E3 2010: New Xbox 360 Unboxing Video



Audioholic Samurai
E3 2010: New Xbox 360 Unboxing Video

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Microsoft just announced the new, quieter version of the 360, and we open up a brand new retail box to see what's inside. From a revamped hard drive to a sleeker design, we go over what makes this system different.

Video Source: 1up


Audioholic Samurai
Still not a fan of the power brick, they should have done an internal power supply but hey that just me. One more pet peeve C'mon MS stop with the AA for the controller and start using some Li-Poly just allow easy access to it so that it can be replaced, unlike Sony controllers
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Now let's see them take the cover off and show the inside. :)


Audioholic Spartan
That will happen as soon as they get into the consumers hands... you know people will be looking to mod them right away, so I'm sure pics of the guts will be online in no time.


Audioholic Samurai
There was someone who leaked a pic of the motherboard of the 360 slim some time ago but I can't say for sure if it's real or fake. It was posted on a Chinese game forum by a member who claims to work in a factory that produces the boards for MS.



Audioholic Overlord
I was under the impression they would be making the HDD slot able to accept a variety of laptop hard drives like the PS3. I guess they've chosen to keep going with the proprietary system.


Audioholic Samurai
I was under the impression they would be making the HDD slot able to accept a variety of laptop hard drives like the PS3. I guess they've chosen to keep going with the proprietary system.
I don't foresee MS ever going that route to much money to be made there, they also made sure you couldn't use the hard drive from the old 360 either.


Audioholic Overlord
I don't foresee MS ever going that route to much money to be made there, they also made sure you couldn't use the hard drive from the old 360 either.
At least they switched from those rip off memory cards to USB flash sticks for moving saved files.


Audioholic Spartan
According to an article I read on engadget, they didn't put any red leds in the ring around the power button, so the new box will not be able to get a rrod, but will likely just flash green lights if it malfunctions. But hopefully the new 45nm chips and redesigned mobo and bigger vents will eliminate overheating so there will be no rrod/grod anyway.

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