So you again misquote and misrepresent. You really do aspire to be another jneutron.
Thank you. Having recently read some of his posts, I'd call that a laudable goal; and a compliment that you find similarity.
I did not call plug-in protectors useless. Please read before replying. Those profit centers were described as ineffective. NIST is blunter. The NIST said your beloved protectors are "useless". How many times must I explain the difference between what I said and what the NIST says before you finally get it?
Once would be good. What is the pragmatic difference between "useless" and "ineffective"?
Please note I said "pragmatic", by which I mean "for the purposes of the actual topic". Obviously you believe that surge-supressors are useful for generating revenue.
Jerry Love cites the NIST brochure. Jerry, at what point do you read the NIST warning about those "useless" protectors that you so love? This quoted directly from your own NIST citation - that you did not understand:
> A very important point to keep in mind is that your surge protector will work by diverting
> the surges to ground. The best surge protection in the world can be useless if
> grounding is not done properly.
Since I'm aspiring to be jneutron, I'll go ahead and copy his coloring scheme.
As most anyone knows: a surge supressor's job is to make sure that there's a better path to ground for an over-voltage than through the equipment.
If that's not possible, then it's not possible. Fortunately: code requires that to be possible.
Perhaps if the device on the other side of your surge supressor has a direct path to ground: it will represent less resistance than the grounding wire, or return path on the outlet... but that would seem to be the abnormal case.
Jerry - first read to have knowledge. Even you own citation contradicts the myths you are reciting.
It seems to me that's what I told you as I quoted your citations contradicting you. Let me read on to see if you can tell me where those cites didn't say what they obviously said.
Did you read your IEEE citation? A discussion about safely designing MOV based protectors. MOV protectors do same as semiconductor, carbon block, and GDT type protectors. But how MOVs are designed for human safety, et al is different. Why do you twist it into proof that plug-in protectors work? That IEEE citation makes no such discussion.
How does "no mention" equate to "contradicting"?
But yes, a guide to best practices in building effective and safe surge supressors seems to be an advocay for surge supressors.
Amazing you do not know that a 'whole house' protector is an MOV protector. You would if you had read your own citation.
I'm actually well aware that it is. There's no substantive difference between a whole-house and plug-in surge supressor. Both use MOVs to redirect over-voltages to ground.
So you routinely do not read what you post. You simply post citation URLs so that others will think you are informed. Your own citation defined a plug-in protector as "useless". Did you read it?
Yes. It was very similar to the one that said that earth grounding can actually be harmful from the other cite you cited.
You may want to consider the difference between "can" and "is".
Even your lightningsafety quote only agrees with what I have been posting.
The one that says ground rods "may be harmful"?
Protector is only as effective as its earth ground. Even your own citations says that – agree with me. So why are you again posting nasty myths?
If dolphins are so smart how come they live in igloos.
There are several seperate statements you are falsely juxtiposing.
1) Surge supressors require a path to earth to function.
2) Surge supressors are "ineffective".
These two statements are not the same. I agree with "1", no matter how many times you assert that I do not (though, such as with an open circuit, that path may be further back on line). You contradict yourself every time you argue "2".
Electricty will find a way to path to ground. Effective surge-supression ensures that path is not through your equipment.
Unplugging your equipment, for example, is pretty effective.