if you get something in return, it's not 'giving', it's a transaction...
people are buying and trading GM stock daily, so it's worth something...
again, they did not give it to them, they bought stock shares...
HUGE difference
those figures only detail outlays/expenditures, it does NOT factor profit, dividends or sale of the stock...
which will at least recoup the $$$, and most likely make a profit...
and that is for all the companies including suppliers...
again, misleading
...on April 21, 2010, GM CEO Ed Whitacre Jr. announced that the company had paid back the entire amount of the U.S. and Canadian government loans, with interest, a total of $8.1 billion.
The government still has $2.1 billion invested in preferred shares that pay dividends, plus a 61% share of common equity valued at about $45 billion to the U.S.
In a national TV advertisement which appeared in the U.S. in April 2010, chairman and CEO Ed Whitacre talks about the company repaying loans from government in full, with interest, five years ahead of the original schedule. There are congressmen call that a "lie to the American people". At issue is the money for the loan repayment came from other bailout funds housed in
an escrow account belonging to the company, that smacks of deception to critics.
as the report states, when all is said and done the gov will have ~47 bil invested, and will hold 61% of equity (45 bil) and 2.1 bil of prefered stock...they will have 'given' them nothing, not a cent...
only time will tell
but this is one of those topics that people jump on...
damn government!!!! socialists are stealin' our liberty!!!
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yet >900 bil in Iraq, many, many dead, 10,000+ US crippled & maimed, both physically & mentally...
long term costs: healthcare, debt, pensions, etc., as high as 2 trillion...
and it is no different, some say worse, than it was 7 years ago...
compared to this, GM is a stellar investment...