It seems to me that you cannot understand any viewpoints beyond your own. Yes, the analogy I used wasn't a perfect one, but it was merely to illustrate a point that I used it. If you couldn't see that, I can only presume wilful blindness.
It wasn't nearly simply imperfect, it was a bad one as I've stated. A gun will not influence anyone to kill anybody. But religion will. Do you see the distinction here? Are are you the one willfully blind?
A set of beliefs or philosophy cannot inflict any physical harm on anybody. It takes a person to do that.
But they can certainly motivate people to cause and inflict physical harm on others. Religion has been doing it throughout the ages. How many have carried out great crimes in the name of religion? Someone said: "With or without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for good people to do bad things, it takes religion.". It's not absolutely true, money can be a great motivator for example, but it does make a point.[/quote]
The closest that a religion can come to inflicting physical harm is if you whack somebody over the head with a bible. Even then, it is still just the physical book and not the religion itself. Sure it provides the basis for belief, but it still just a book and it boils down to how it's interpreted.
What a laugh! So for example, when a believer throws acid on the face of children because they are female and their religion forbids them to get educated, you're saying religion has nothing to do with it? Please...
You conveniently ignored my point about religions not having a monopoly in violence.
Actually, I started to answer your post but got seriously bored, hence, didn't address everything. Thought I made my point simply by addressing those bits... You didn't reply to the points I have made and questions I did ask btw...
You conveniently ignored my point about religions not having a monopoly in violence.
Most people haven't died of cancer either, doesn't make cancer any less of a bane. Nobody ever said religion had a monopoly of violence. Just that it's a catalyst and serious motivator. In this case, simple cartoon can spawn violence, riots, murders, etc...
You stated, "There's no way to 'use' it properly." Are you implying that nobody can hold religious beliefs and still act in an responsible manner? Do you really believe that?
No, certainly certain people can believe in imaginary beings and fairy tales and still act in a responsible manner. Most do.
Bottom line is, freedom of speech trumps all, as far as I'm concerned. If anyone wishes to mock Mohammed, Jesus, or any other religious figure, that is their business and I wouldn't have it any other way. They should not be punished or persecuted for it. I draw the line when any action taken "in the name of God" violates another person's basic human rights.
Well that's where you're wrong. Nothing trumps religion. You're simply saying so because you're an infidel. And as such, your opinion is pointless anyhow. You're worth much less than anyone who worships Allah. And if you dare insult the great Allah and the prophet, then you will reap what you have sown and suffer great consequence. You simply do not insult the greatest. Your freedom of speech is meaningless compared to the greatness of Allah. The law of god is greater than the law of man. Allah will rule all.
Seriously, Islam doesn't hide the fact that it wishes to dominate the world...
"As for Islam, the Quran states unequivocally the superiority and triumph of Islam over all religions in three different verses: 61:9, 48:28, and 9:33. These verses are found in the historical context of warfare and violence, so how can they fail to inspire violent fanatics?"
You are right about civilized societies not "needing" religion. It's more important what a person does, than what he or she believes. One could argue that we don't "need" socialism. However, if there were no socialist beliefs allowed, our economy would still resemble the age of feudalism at worst, or robber-barons at best. It's all a matter of ballance.
You're comparing apples with oranges. A set of primitive supernatural beliefs against a political philosophy. Makes as much sense as comparing tarot card reading to mathematics.
If somebody chooses to hold certain beliefs that would be considered "religious", they shouldn't be regarded as soft in the head. That would be rather close-minded. I can appreciate why some people are athiests and I respect that. To make the claim that a religion is a set of "false beliefs", is truly "presumptuous and pompous". You can no more prove the non-existence of God any more than I can prove that God does exist.
Let's look at it this way, (from Dawkin's pov) there's been hundreds of gods and religions throughout the ages. Now only a couple remain. Yet, they're all different. Evidently, only one of these 'theories' can be right. Can't all be right... You assume, for example, christianity is right, that's what you believe, what you have faith in. That makes every other existing religion false, according to you. You certainly don't believe in Thor, the god of thunder, or Ra, god of the sun, or Crishna. So you're an atheist towards most religions. Well, atheists just go one god further. Do you think you not believing in Thor the god of thunder makes you presumptuous and pompous? Or do you believe that Thor is real? Or you think that there is significant possibility that Thor and the greek gods are real? False-beliefs?
I probably do not conform to the stereotype that an athiest would consider a Christian. I do not think that God is a man up in the clouds with a long grey beard and flowing white robes, I do not believe that there were an "Adam and Eve" in the literal sense or that they rode dinosaurs and I do not believe Jesus to be divine, i.e. the literal son of God.
Right, like most christians, or believers, your religion is so silly that no one with an ounce of reasoning would take its entirety seriously. You you reject what you think are the most silly parts, and make up your own fairy tale about what you think might be. You just pick and choose. Like the ten commandments, you shall not work on sabbath... You don't like that, so the hell with it... No sex without marriage, again, ah screw that, that's not good, makes no sense, i'll have sex whenever I want, screw silly laws, but I'm still a christian. Riiiight... Fact is, as I've stated, religion is a set of primitive beliefs. They were written by primitive man from another age... Of course they don't apply now. So what makes you think some parts are true, other false, and you get to choose yourself what's true and what's not? It's all crock from start to finish. How do I know? Reasoning. Christianity is but one religion out of so many. Absolutely nothing to make a reasonable man think that it's any less ridiculous than any other religion.
Well besides the fact that most religious adults were indoctrinated during childhood when they were most vulnerable... But that's another story.
I am a Christian because I believe Jesus' teachings to be valid life lessons. If you haven't read about Jesus, I can tell you that non-violence was at the core of his teachings. Wait a minute, I already did. But, you chose not to address that point at all. Martin Luther King Jr. took those lessons to heart. Do you think he was a danger to society?
Abraham Lincoln said:
"When I do good, I feel good, when I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion" You don't need a fairy tale to give you morals, and morals you'll get from religion are twisted at best. Take the pope and his condoms, abortion, homosexuality, marriage between people of different religion, etc etc etc... Look at muslims, or religious fanatics. They're the worst of all. They should be the most good and best people around no? No, they'll rip you a new one if you laugh about their silly god/prophet. And they're the ones who are the most fanatical about their religion. Doesn't that say a lot? About the religion?
You've nitpicked at a couple of points I made, without actually countering any of them. I am more than happy to discuss any topic that is of interest to me and will always listen to different viewpoints. But, if your posts are going to be essentially "copy and paste" jobs and the typed version of a broken record, my interest will fade rapidly. I try to maintain an open mind and I do not ridicule other peoples beliefs when I do not share them. I just ask that the favour be returned. If you wish to actually counter any of the points I have made, I'd be more than happy to read and acknowledge what you have to say. But, if it's more of the same, don't expect a response.
Having said that, I'm more than happy to "agree to disagree" and leave it at. Peace be with you!
Well there you go. As I said, I got bored. It's depressing talking about religion because nothing good ever comes of it. And worst, it's somewhat off topic, starts flame wars and all that kind of crap. And what I've learned is this:
"Rational arguments don't usually work on religious people. Otherwise there wouldn't be religious people."