I hate islam as much as anybody else (maybe hate is the wrong word, hold contempt for Islam is the more correct term, but not even for Islam particularly, mostly any religion, which are pretty much hated equally.), but veiled threat? That part you quoted didn't sound like a threat, more like a reality check... Which sadly is true...
Of course all those muslim leaders denigrating expression of free speech and reprimanding are, even if indirectly, IF you consider it indirectly, actually guilty of urging retribution by exclaiming how wronged all muslims and the prophet have been. If they instead urged calm and forgiveness, then the 'religion of peace' pretense would be a little more serious... But by always acting offended and making a huge deal out of really nothing, they're just inciting their followers to become offended themselves and then hold even more resentment and hatred...
“We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show,” Al-Amrikee wrote. “This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them.”
Al-Amrikee told The Associated Press that the posting was made to raise awareness of the issue and to see that it does not happen again. Asked if Parker and Stone should feel threatened by it, he said “they should feel threatened by what they did.”
He said he was disappointed that publicity about the posting focused more on the potential danger to the producers but admitted, “I could shoulder some blame” for it.
He said he “can’t answer that legally” when asked if his group favored jihad. But he praised bin Laden.
“We look up to him and admire him for the sacrifices he has given for the religion,” he said.
Last week’s episode, the 200th for the cheeky and often vulgar cartoon, was intended to feature many of the personalities and groups that Parker and Stone insulted during the series’ run.
Ah, ok... cross what I said earlier, 'veiled' is even pushing it. He's about as subtle as a brick. Gotta luv it. And btw, which "Islamic leader" are they talking about exactly? The 1500 year old dead prophet? Give me a ****ing break.
Trying to find the video, authors talking about it:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcbJTo7sYFw cartoon at 3min is classic. And interesting comments, following it. How the danish cartoons, well, massive uproar, deaths, murders, etc. eroded free speech.
So is this the video?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a99qfg8YTG0&feature=related there another link on the article about at 22min video "Quest for ratings" but I couldn't see it...