jeffsg4mac, I really don't know, and TBH, I only rarely look towards for reviews. As for the screen caps provided in the link in my first my response in this thread, they were taken by a poster name "Xylon", and it is precisely because they are controlled shots that we all bee-line towards his threads. I read how/why they are controlled a long time ago (probably years now), and I've looked for that explanation since, and once again just now, and can't find it.
I would be not surprised in the slightest if other forums like bluray did not use controlled screen shots. I only say that because with the projector reviews by Feierman, he'll use many, many comparative screenshots from all sorts of competitors, and yet he's the first one to tell you they are not controlled shots. They are there simply to help the narration/dialogue of the review.
Finally, IMHO, I think the DNR is still evident in the screenshots, after I click on them and blow them up some, however it's a lot easier to tell with Xylon's caps because he blows them up quite a bit more for us. I pretty much can only detect DNR by looking at faces, if there is no side-by-side comparison available. Of course, with a side-by-side, you can compare just about anything, including t-shirts.