Would not a pair of subwoofers integrate just fine with those speakers? Do we know the cross-over point between the 10" woofers and 6.5" mid-bass?
I had a good look at this yesterday. Crossover points are not mentioned.
However the connections are to the left right speaker terminals and a sub out to sub in, with another RCA audio cable linking the subs.
Now the instruction manual says the left right mains setting of a receiver has to be set to large. In addition to a control for the sub level, there is a bass blend.
This tells me that the 10" driver is handling more than the sub LFE signal.
It would be logical that the 10" driver at least carries the step response correction for the forward facing speakers.
The reason is that the best way of off loading a bass mid driver and a receiver. And it gives you control of diffraction compensation on a room by room basis which is optimal.
Step response starts at 6 db per octave at 600 Hz for that speaker based on dimensions. So if you work that out, that is a lot of power the receiver has to provide and the 6.5" driver handle.
We hear a lot about subs off loading receivers and drivers. This really is not so to all intense and purposes.
What does save receiver amp power and stress to small bass mids, though is to let a larger speaker and amp handle the diffraction compensation. That is why I do that.
In a usual HT set up with a crossover at 80 Hz the tuning peaks of impedance of the mains kicks in at that point, so the receiver is relieved of very little power with the usual sub crossover points.
The instruction manual says the front facing speakers can be powered with as little as 10 watts per channel.
If you design an integrated system, it is a no brainer to engineer it this way, and I bet Harry Kloss would have seen it right away.
So more than likely operating it with two usual type subs would still leave it sounding thin.