Crysis 2 PS3 Will Hit Graphical Ceiling



Audioholic Samurai
Crysis 2 PS3 Will Hit Graphical Ceiling

Tom Hopkins 09:29, Wednesday 7 April 2010

Crytek has claimed that it's NewYork-based FPS sequel Crysis 2 will bring an unbeatable new visual quality to the PS3

The console has been spolit in recent months with Killzone 2, Uncharted 2 and God of War III each setting new graphical standards. However, lead Playstation 3 programmer Michael Glück is confident that Crysis 2 will exceed anything that has gone before.
"With each generation of game titles on PS3, usually every 2 years, the games improve significantly in its quality, mostly showing off in graphics," Glück told Play Magazine. "I think with Crysis 2 you will see the quality bar being set at a very high level that games will struggle to excel. We’re aiming to set a whole new benchmark with that game for all PS3 games."
“With Crysis 2 you will see the quality bar set at a high level that games will struggle to exceed”

The Crytek dev doesn't think that there will be much room for improvement in future games either. "Still with an AAA title shipped on PS3, you get the chance to improve further, so the next game developed with CryEngine 3 after Crysis 2 on PS3 will not be worse and rather be more polished and have higher quality in all areas. However, it is unlikely to see a major improvement in graphics as we try to not cut any graphical feature and rather optimize it until it becomes feasible. So I expect more density of game elements, physic effect, more interaction, but the major graphics quality will not be significantly improved."
The original Crysis was a PC powerhouse which looked so great that gamers willingly upgraded PCs and graphics cards just to play it. Check out the recent Crysis 2 screens to see what you think, and look out for our preview on the game soon...

Source: NOWGamer


Audioholic Jedi
Having read a preview of this one previosly, I do think this one will be graphically amazing.


Audioholic Samurai
It's a cross platform.... I don't expect that much.... really. I have never seen a cross platform actually optimize on unique different architectures. The makers of Crysis don't even have the experienced CELL programmers that Naughty Dawg and a few select others have on staff.

I expect only the PC version will be all that impressive.

As for hitting ceiling... anyone can max out the processors wit INEFFICIENT code. Metal Gear Solid's last game claimed to max out the processors, yet Uncharted 2 and GOW III completely surpass it graphically, using EFFICIENT coding.



Audioholic Jedi
No doubt there have been games that max out the PS3's processing, but as mentioned, that doesn't mean you can't do better. This one is being built with the PS3 in mind, though it isn't an exclusive, and the screen shots in the article look really good.


Audioholic Spartan
and I'm sure saying that it will max out the PS3 is also a marketing tactic.


Audioholic Jedi
They always said that about the PS2 also and then someone would come out with something that was better, or as noted, more efficient.


Audioholic General
If they make the game for the PS3 then port it to the PC, I would expect the PS3 version to have better visuals. Although who plays FPS' on a console!?

BFBC2 was a prime example of a game that could have blown people away on the PC version but was destined to have console level graphics. That is not to say BC2 doesn't look amazing, it just isn't what it should have been.


Audioholic Samurai
If they make the game for the PS3 then port it to the PC, I would expect the PS3 version to have better visuals. Although who plays FPS' on a console!?

BFBC2 was a prime example of a game that could have blown people away on the PC version but was destined to have console level graphics. That is not to say BC2 doesn't look amazing, it just isn't what it should have been.
Well the people who play FPS on a console number in the millions and still growing.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
The original Cyrysis was a PC exclusive and it showed. It still shows. It pushed the hardware to it's limits.

I have a sinking feeling that they will not do that with Crysis 2. I really hope they do. I cannot stand playing FPS games on a console and it really makes me sad to see the PC gaming industry going the way it is. All we are getting are console ports that could have been so much better.

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