This is great news for those of us who still care, and about high time the prices of music came down. The good thing is that other record companies may follow suit with a similar plan. This may become an industry standard, and no one will want to be left out in the cold!
I consider a physical recording to be a package deal. I don't just get the music, I get the liner notes, technical info, beautiful artwork, etc. There is no substitute for getting a fresh CD or LP in your hand, opening it up and reveling in it!
I can understand someone downloading the one hit wonders or pop diddies, but being a big classical fan, that kind of music is too complex to download, edit, burn, etc., and I usually listen to a large portion (if not all) of the CD's anyway. The only exceptions I might make is if a certain recording I really want is not available in any other way, but they will be few and far between.
Then there is the issue with questionable sound quality, viruses and other potential problems associated with downloading. Plus, I already spend too much time on the CPU already. I would rather not conduct my entire life in cyberspace thank you very much.
I will continue to buy new CD's/LP's until I cannot easily buy them anymore, and then I may stop buying new product altogether. There is a seemingly never ending supply of used stuff out there, and by that time I will already have enough music to last several life times.