I just finished reading Yepimonfire's thread, Building custom speakers without a design.
The TriTrix MTM TL speaker was suggested as an option. Looking at this, it looks like a nice kit and certainly the reviews are very positive. The design has obvious similarities to the highly regarded SongTowers and if the sound is anywhere close, it is probably an extremely good value.
Building a kit like this would familiarize one with the components and assembly process, but it was a bit disappointing to see that there was no information on how the design was developed (that I noticed).
I'm wondering if there might be a speaker kit like this which includes print-outs (or links) for the information, calculations, etc. used for the design process. Ideally a narrative of any major decisions/compromises made along the way might be included.
This would give anyone interested in speaker design the application and background to make reading the speaker design books a much more practical, and less theoretical, endeavor!
Does Madisound or any of the other manufacturers provide this type of background for their designs?