DO NOT BUY anything from AV123

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Audioholic Chief
Ahhh, the Austin GTG ... good times! Good to know you're still around and doing well Curtis. For a variety of reasons I've avoided posting about this subject although I have followed this thread like a train wreck I can't look away from.
Good to know you well! Let me know if you are out here anytime!


Audioholic Intern
Well I just got banned for trying to figure out who was in control of the av123 sales mod account... because there were no other mods online while i was posting about the fraud charges...

seems someone wasn't happy with me...

btw, first post on audioholics.. for those that know me, yes it's me matt :)

hellos :)



Audioholic Chief
FWIW...and I realize most of you know this already, with the initials "CC" being thrown around, they do not refer to me, Curtis Chang, but to Craig Chase. It is no secret that he and I do not get along.

That said, I am sure Craig has been lied to by Schifter(everyone has), and I believe that he still believes that many of those lies are truths (and he is not the only one).
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Audioholic Intern
That said, I am sure Craig has been lied to by Schifter(everyone has), and I believe that he still believes that many of those lies are still truths (and he is not the only one).
That seems to be what I have seen...

though I don't know craig personally and wouldn't claim to know what he does about the situation.. my information on this whole thing is really from secondary or tertiary sources..

though i have had my own personal dealings with MLS myself.. and some good some really not so good....



Full Audioholic
There are others who I have less sympathy for. If I was one of the new AV123 members caught off guard, I would likely go after the forum mods over there who worked so diligently to cover up the crimes and other issues, and who directly contributed to a new generation of fans who got fleeced. What they did is a far cry from a statement like Craig's, and they should be held financially accountable for their role in the fraud.
You think that skeeter, for example, should have some real accountability in all of this? I find it deplorable that he agreed and continued to be a mod, but I can't see him being responsible, directly or indirectly, for any fleecing. I've said it before and now I'm repeating myself, but I get what mls did. You hear that story all too often. I have a much harder time getting my head around the followers or supporters or whatever you want to call them who were still on board the Schifter Express right up until the indictment. And I won't even mention the guys who still might be blaming Chu Gai for cooking up a conspiracy.


Audioholic Intern
Well I just got banned for trying to figure out who was in control of the av123 sales mod account... because there were no other mods online while i was posting about the fraud charges...

seems someone wasn't happy with me...

btw, first post on audioholics.. for those that know me, yes it's me matt :)

hellos :)

Did Kyle ban you? That's just retarded. Threads and posts are disappearing like crazy over there now. Would be funny if everyone did a kamikaze blitz on the site and see if the mod can keep up. Unfortunately, I don't see the site being up much longer.
Glad to see you found your way over here Matt.


I had posts in at least 2 deleted threads. How boorish and irritating.

Welcome, Matt.


Audioholic Intern
Did Kyle ban you? That's just retarded. Threads and posts are disappearing like crazy over there now. Would be funny if everyone did a kamikaze blitz on the site and see if the mod can keep up. Unfortunately, I don't see the site being up much longer.
Glad to see you found your way over here Matt.
I don't believe kyle banned me... There was only one mod online at the time; 'av123 sales' whomever that is.. Course that is one of those plausible deniability type mod accounts where you can do what you want and no one knows what happened or who caused it..


but thanks for the welcome :) I am on other places too. :)

And the mod wasn't able to keep up with my thread creation. :) richeydog had a poll up of how many threads i would make before i got banned. but i had about 5 or 6 going at one point.. lol but of different topics of course. so it wasn't like i was trolling.. i just was sick of the threads being deleted so i just kept putting it back up.. i thought i would get a ban.. but considering my actions around there a full never ending ban without reason seems a bit harsh and over bearing.. but whatever.. those are the signs of a dictatorship failing as the last few bits of old decrepit worn concrete of the party head quarters falls to the ground..



Audioholic Intern
I had posts in at least 2 deleted threads. How boorish and irritating.

Welcome, Matt.
Hey man :)

how're the waters over here???

safer to play in and have a beer or two?? lol

Well and someone said i was trolling too... Trolling is far from what I did.. wanting to keep a discussion about the company OWNER's ARREST AND INDICTMENT FOR FRAUD going was what I was trying to do..

Sure I may have sounded a bit like a smart *** while doing it.. But I was trying to be a little humorous at times but also serious at others...

But whatever.. I wish the best for the company and mark's family....



Did Kyle ban you? That's just retarded. Threads and posts are disappearing like crazy over there now. Would be funny if everyone did a kamikaze blitz on the site and see if the mod can keep up. Unfortunately, I don't see the site being up much longer.
Glad to see you found your way over here Matt.
The forum there won't last the week.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Hello, I was a Kool-Aid junkie, and I am an addict.

I wish I was joking :( I am sad to report I am a victim of the "bumbly" one, and he owes me money still. I have always kept quiet.....

I hoped he would come through somehow, and I never threatened legal action. I wish I had the chance to redo it all. If there is a legal recourse now or in the future, it appears I will have to get in line.

If anyone "in the know" has any advice on how one might go about getting something, anything, please share with me.

This leaves me devastated as I have borrowed against what was owed and promised me :( :confused: :mad:
PM sent.

Last time I checked on this thread was several months ago lurking deciding if I wanted to gamble on the MFW or not. Now, I'm registered, subscribed, and watching closely with interest.....
Read a lot of your posts there. Had some headaches with those suckers as I recall. Suckers meaning the subs.

I don't believe kyle banned me... There was only one mod online at the time; 'av123 sales' whomever that is.. Course that is one of those plausible deniability type mod accounts where you can do what you want and no one knows what happened or who caused it..


but thanks for the welcome :) I am on other places too. :)

And the mod wasn't able to keep up with my thread creation. :) richeydog had a poll up of how many threads i would make before i got banned. but i had about 5 or 6 going at one point.. lol but of different topics of course. so it wasn't like i was trolling.. i just was sick of the threads being deleted so i just kept putting it back up.. i thought i would get a ban.. but considering my actions around there a full never ending ban without reason seems a bit harsh and over bearing.. but whatever.. those are the signs of a dictatorship failing as the last few bits of old decrepit worn concrete of the party head quarters falls to the ground..

If Kyle didn't ban you that leaves two people: his wife or his step-daughter. I'd wager on the latter. Employees there used to have a pet nickname for her - The General.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
FWIW...and I realize most of you know this already, with the initials "CC" being thrown around, they do not refer to me, Curtis Chang, but to Craig Chase. It is no secret that he and I do not get along.

That said, I am sure Craig has been lied to by Schifter(everyone has), and I believe that he still believes that many of those lies are truths (and he is not the only one).
The incarcerated MLS has a knack for creative verbal spin as well as a knack for cutting and pasting essentially creating Photoshopped versions of his perception of reality. CC apparently still has a raging woody for you Curtis despite your private and public attempts at apologies. Now, what did Gomez Adams say? Oh yes. C'est la vie!

Hey man :)

how're the waters over here???

safer to play in and have a beer or two?? lol

Well and someone said i was trolling too... Trolling is far from what I did.. wanting to keep a discussion about the company OWNER's ARREST AND INDICTMENT FOR FRAUD going was what I was trying to do..

Sure I may have sounded a bit like a smart *** while doing it.. But I was trying to be a little humorous at times but also serious at others...

But whatever.. I wish the best for the company and mark's family....

The best? The best is for it to be taken over under new management and to fire everyone presently associated with the present organization. As to his family? They knew full well what was going on. Maybe not in the very beginning but a luminol test will show there's plenty of blood on more than one person.


Audioholic Intern
If Kyle didn't ban you that leaves two people: his wife or his step-daughter. I'd wager on the latter. Employees there used to have a pet nickname for her - The General.
his step daughter??

Is she hot?? *cause i could spin this in a way i like* :p :eek: :eek: whoooops



Audioholic Intern
The best? The best is for it to be taken over under new management and to fire everyone presently associated with the present organization. As to his family? They knew full well what was going on. Maybe not in the very beginning but a luminol test will show there's plenty of blood on more than one person.
That I didn't know...

Well I guess I will just sit back and watch how things go... Should be an interesting next couple of months..

May just have to make a new account and ninja my way around.. Course I won't be able to draw attention to myself for fear of being banned again.. and thus having to create yet another account.. (but thats okay I have lots of e-mail accounts, even more IP addresses, I can clone MAC addresses, can route through TOR or other proxies, as well as use VM's of various OS's with various browsers [and browser and OS versions]).... *Disclaimer* Not that I condone such actions for others to use, nor would I use this tactic to get around things I have done that are legitimately wrong (I tend to own up to my wrong doings and leave well enough alone when I get perma banned from a forum for stirring up 'stuff').. More this is a way for me to help interact with the community and I will of course draw as little attention to myself as possible.. And no I won't post anywhere what user names will be used. (sorry for the weird off topic rant)...... :S



Senior Audioholic
Ahhh, the Austin GTG ... good times! Good to know you're still around and doing well Curtis. For a variety of reasons I've avoided posting about this subject although I have followed this thread like a train wreck I can't look away from.
Now that people are coming foward at Tweak City regarding the authorities having contacted them on this matter does this mean the "variety of reasons" includes the authorities having interviewed you? I know you bought raffle tickets, did you win one? From what is getting posted at TC its looking like all raffle winners or donors of $500 or more were interviewed by the authorities.


Senior Audioholic
Craig was also frequently the among the 1st and often the largest contributor to MLS's "charity raffles." All that time and effort Craig put into that and now it is laid out that MLS had been stealing that whole time. It has got to really hurt someone as proud as Craig.
According to Craig, he gave his money directly to the recipients and no evidence has ever surfaced to discredit that claim. So, I'd take him at his word. That means he never funneled his money through MLS when he participated. So that would deflate your theory a bit. :p


So is Suzanne related? Don't know the actual structure over there.
Yes.... she is Mark's daughter-inlaw. Now, I'm not certain exactly who's daughter she is. I don't think she is the daughter of his current wife (Lynn), oops, that would make her a step-daughter so that's not it.... and I have never heard if Lynn had a son. I know Mark has no children (that anyone knows about anyway), so that means Suzanne is married to a son of a former wife of Mark's to actually be his daughter-inlaw correct?

:scratches head:

Why can't anything ever be simple with him? ;)

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I certainly wouldn't expect things to get any better. You and I continuously challenged Craig over AV123/MLS starting 5-6 years ago. He not going to forgive us for being right about MLS and his business antics. We're reading how these supporters of MLS feel about having been duped. Well, for years there was no bigger or more public supporter of MLS/AV123 than Craig. Craig was also frequently the among the 1st and often the largest contributor to MLS's "charity raffles." All that time and effort Craig put into that and now it is laid out that MLS had been stealing that whole time. It has got to really hurt someone as proud as Craig.
I don't think it was 5-6 years ago, Tex! I know he contributed generously to DW's situation and some others. Did he also contribute to the ones like Hurrican Katrina/Red Cross and Dana Farber/Jimmy Fund and if so did the monies directly to them or did he stay out of those? I do heartily commend Craig for his wilingness to help and help substantially and I say that with the utmost seriousness. MLS duped a lot of people about a lot of things.

According to Craig, he gave his money directly to the recipients and no evidence has ever surfaced to discredit that claim. So, I'd take him at his word. That means he never funneled his money through MLS when he participated. So that would deflate your theory a bit. :p
Craig has been a stand-up person when it came and comes to helping out.
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