OLED was supposed to improve viewing angles, but with LED displays suffering from bad viewing angles where will one go for good viewing angles? I can only think of one technology that offers excellent viewing angles for a flat panel display other than front projection!
OLED is a type of LED based display; and true LED displays have great viewing angles. What manufacturers now sell as "LED displays" are simply LCD displays with LED backlights instead of FL backlights, they both suffer the same viewing angle issues because the screen itself is the same display technology.
There will be actual LED-based displays released by somebody (OLED is just one form of LED); it's the natural progression of display technology. The viewing angle advantages of "anything except LCD" will still exist.
Sony is losing money on most of it's divisions; it needs to think about staying in business long enough to be around when the next display technology arrives in profitable numbers. This is not an issue with the technology itself; it won't go away. If not Sony, someone else.
This is really just the accountants putting their foot down and spelling out the future in plain language to the board ... "smarten up and make a dollar somewhere, or there won't be a Sony in a while" might be a good guess as to what they say behind closed doors.