Well something to possibly consider is that the younger folks really like Cerwin-Vega and so, I think that if one was going to sell there Cerwin-Vega gear after a couple of years, should be no problem finding buyers. Every time I've mentioned Cerwin-Vega to an almost twenty somthing, their eyes light up and they smile.
Personally tho, from what I've learned as of late regarding home theater audio, if you have the room, bigger is better IMO. If I ever put another large home theater together, I'm going to use very large speakers e.g. dual 15inch drivers, 8 inch midrange and a horn tweeter. Doesn't mean you have to run them loud, but it does mean that you should get a very robust, fully emersed, deep and rich audio experience -- like the big commercial theaters.
I'm 20 something and my eyes don't light up when I hear Cerwin Vega, although there usually is something going on my face, my palm.
Your recommendation comes purely from a subjective point of view. No offense meant to you, but I don't think you've had your eyes openned entirely on a great many things concerning audio and sound reproduction.
Large speakers does not equate to good sound, more often than not it equates to bad sound. Large Cerwin Vega speakers have a particular problem with cabinet resonance. This means the cabinet reproduces it's own sound at certain frequencies coloring the natural sound of the driver and cross-over components. Furthermore Cerwin Vega doesn't typically use drivers of high quality, rather of high efficiency. This is why many Cerwin Vega speakers are well over 90dB at 1 watt.
Large woofers are great for producing lots of bass, and there's no doubt about Cerwin Vega's reputation when it comes to lots of impactful bass. The bass is often exaggerated, and not true to the original recording.
You may well enjoy the way the sound, but the don't produce objectively good results in terms of accurate performance. CMX could be different, but I won't get my hopes up.
In any case I get the feeling you are shill for Cerwin Vega considering you joined recently and they recently introduced this product line that no one seems to know about. This kind of marketing is more common than you think, but here it's not quite as accepted since it is quite clear the motive of AudioHolics is to look at things from an objective standpoint.