Sorry for the confusion. This is what I think my best route at this point is; option 1 - Add a DCX2496, Set my fronts and center to large in my AVR, Run the Pre amp outputs for the front L/C/R from my AVR to the DCX, use the DCX to seperate out the frequencies below say 80 hz and send to the subs and flatten the response and add a house curve with the parametric EQ, use the other outputs for the DCX to feed an amp or two for the front L/C/R.
Option 2 was to add an 1124 for the subs and then later add a DEQ2496 and amps for the front L/C/R channels.
Is there any benefit to either of these options or is there a better option?
The ultimate goal is to flatten the frequency response of my subs, add a house curve, and integrate them with my fronts. The other goal is to add some better control over my front L/C/R since my AVR has a global crossover point for all speakers and the sub combined. I also dont like that the paramatric eq on the AVR is not adjustable, it is only set by the YPAO.