Range of Vinyl ..something I read from an Audio Asylum thread
"According to 1970 article in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society the dynamic range of records varies by frequency due to the maximum permissible groove excursion in the bass, the maximum slope of modulation in the the midrange, and the minimum radius of curvature which affects the highs. The maximum possible signal level ranges from -30dB in the bass to +15 dB in the mids, so the maximum dynamic range is a range from about 90dB to 25 dB.
On the other hand the April 1996 issue of Audio Electronics had a very math - heavy article titled "The Dynamic Range Potential Of The Phonograph" by an electrical engineer named Ron Bauman. Bauman applied some orignal thinking to measuring the dynamic range of an LP and determined that vinyl's range is "equal to, or better than the theoretical best a CD can achieve." The best set up he measured exceeded the 96 dB dynamic range of CD by a gigantic 16 dB! I don't think the article is on the web anywhere but a summary can be found in a Michael Fremer review of the Pass Aleph Ono on the Stereophile site. "