Those are some really good points thanks. That actually makes a lot of sense thinking about it. I'm pretty sure the PS3's level for CD playback is the same for movies...
But here's why I'm questioning.. I just put in one of those "maximum bass" CD's, with crazy amounts of bass. And, the output is loud, but it seems like I lose alot down at 40hz and below. Now, I don't have any way to really get a good frequency sweep analysis, but what I'm comparing to is what I have in my car, which may sound rediculous but stick with me here. I have a single 13w6v2 in a sealed box in the trunk of my Mustang (small cabin), so with the bass cd in there you feel like your eyes are going to bleed. The entire cabin shakes, and the bass, while not the smoothest, is just so prominant, it makes u vibrate all over.
Now, switch over to my A3-300 in my house, 13x20x8 room with an entrance going into a dining room and then into the kitchen. The sub is in a corner in the living room (not great I know), but it "feels" like I'm getting a small fraction of what I feel in my car. Obvious question, but is that because of the muuuuuch smaller volume of my car? Or, should I be able to feel 40hz and below like I do in my car, or does my positioning suck majorly in the room?
I'm still workin out my noobness I think...