APC G5 review
Revisiting my old thread since I finally bought one of these units. There are still no reviews that I could find on the web, so hopefully this will help some folks.
I was quite surprised at the amount of control offered for such an inexpensive device. The G5 has more settings than my H15 does.
Things the G5 does
not have:
- DC trigger input
- Coax protection
- RJ11/RJ45 protection
- Automatic voltage regulation
- Battery backup
Features it does have:
- Front LCD display
- Measures incoming voltage, frequency, and load level
- 4 banks of sequentially delayed outlets (5 outlets total)
- Adjustable sequence delay (1-60 seconds per)
- 3 always-on outlets, one of which is front-mounted
- Fully adjustable LED brightness (including off)
- Mostly adjustable LCD brightness (cannot completely shut off)
- Adjustable low-voltage and high-voltage tolerance level
- Fault management
- Rack ears and feet included for either install type
- Equipment grounding post
- EMI/RFI filtering (50dB 150kHz-1MHz, 40dB 1MHz-30MHz)
- $450,000 connected equipment protection policy
The status button lets you view all active parameters for the unit. If you have a particular screen you want to show all the time, you just hold down status for 3 seconds and it will lock to that screen. I decided to change mine to show the amps/load percentage screen instead of the voltage/frequency screen. Those two screens have update intervals of 0.5 seconds. When playing music through my 2ch system I can see it go from ~1.0 amps up to ~2.3 amps but it moves around a bunch. With nothing attached to the unit, it reads 0.5-0.7 amp load.
The settings & up/down buttons let you adjust the brightness levels, delays for the 4 outlet banks, and voltage tolerances on the low-volt and high-volt side. Delay can be as short as 1 second (so the unit powers all 4 up within 4 seconds) or you can extend it out to 60 seconds per outlet (unit takes 2 minutes to start all outlets). During power-off it removes power in the reverse order, with the same amount of delay time. Unlike a unit with AVR, the G5 will simply shut off power to the connected equipment if it detects that those voltage tolerances have been violated.
On the front side along with the LCD, LEDs, and control buttons is the circuit breaker reset and an accessory outlet that is always-on.
On the back side are the 8 additional outlets. 2 are always-on, 1 is a regular switched outlet, and the other 5 are delayed outlets. 2 of the delayed outlets are for high-current devices. APC recommends connecting your equipment to the ground terminal if you need to eliminate any group loops. That is safer than using a cheater plug.
The user manual can be downloaded from APC here:
The unit can be locked from unauthorized operation by kids: