Part 2
That last quote put me into raging s**t mode. ULTRA RAGE. I'm a pretty easy guy (at least I think I am, and maybe Seth will chime in and say something constructive like "Just shut up dude, get over it" .... jk) and not a whole lot gets me enraged.
Threatening any member of my family will set me off quicker than you would ever think possible.
My high mileage car breaking, and having to fix it in 20 or lower degree weather (Fahrenheit for you metric users) only to find that more stuff is breaking and my hands freeze. I get pretty mad about that.
But, hypocrisy, is something that enrages me quite quickly. I've always been one to be as anti-hypocrite as possible, but I am human too.
However, I've noticed that a lot of "Christians" (and I am one too, and trust me, far from perfect and I will GLADLY ADMIT it), more specifically "Die Hard Christians" from my observations are highly hypocritical. I understand completely that it will happen to everyone at least once, including me. I am a person that is deeply, deeply ashamed when I am hypocritical; so much so that usually I denounce the fact that I am Christian, just because religion does not need any more bad rap in this time and age (close to the Apocalypse, but how close is another discussion).
But when she said that, I took off like a F/A-22. I blew up. She was my Christian mentor, the one that motivated me to do better, to strive harder. I know I was slow in learning (or as she said "not even trying") but it takes time to change. It does not happen overnight magically. I have thoughts and feelings, and even though I believe in the concept God and that we were in fact created by Him, I have to understand and apply these connections before I fully believe. I don't blindly follow.
She was my mentor, and she was more religious that me (study and devout.) And yet, what she said made me totally cross.
I know everything else from my Dad (who is really a devoted study, but is fairly quiet), and I absolutely trust him; he is an extremely wise man, and knows exactly what he is talking about in the book (at least I understand everything he says). When she said what she said, I am sure that you, the reader, can understand why I felt this was bad; this is TOTALLY against my view of Christianity. To me, you DO NOT SHUN Christians. You shouldn't shun non-Christians or non believers either, but to me it just FLOORS me to shun another Christian. You don't have to like every Christian you meet, but to shun? THAT'S why I lost it.
The problem is, is that she had a tendency (when we were together at least) to make a problem harder for me, not because she was genuinely trying, but it's part of the medical conditions I described earlier. Think of it like Tourrettes; the person says something obscene, but does not always mean it. It's a transparent action.
I have no idea if she was trying to drive a deeper gap or what, but the "GO" button was pressed, and I burned the f**k out of that bridge. I probably made men that wear and use flamethrowers look amateur. Burning is something I do in a last ditch; to me there is nothing to gain, and to make sure I don't get my "GO" button set off again, I just burn the living daylights out of the bridge. People say you shouldn't burn bridges, and sometimes they are right. This might have been a situation where it may have been nice, but I can tell when people are through with me. I guess I like complete assurance with something that ends, because to me there is no more worrying about guessing. She said it's over? Well, just to make sure.... :burn:, yep. (weeks and months later; "Perhaps, not very bright...)
Then I worry about what I can do to make it up. Honestly, not much of anything. She still refuses to talk, and I should just leave it at that absolute.
It's not that easy though for me. For most, I'm sure it wouldn't be easy either.
But, it's been two years since the fact, and I'm still struggling. Probably the situation with losing my job shortly there after (not related to her, but pretty much right after I burnt the rest of the bridge), and stress from the family worrying about retire benefits, and I've just became drained. Another good woman can bring my spirits up, but she is going to have to deal with some messed up crap this time around. And, unlikely is the prospect, given the extremely small populous and relative distance to big cities. Impossible.
But, I've also slowly rewound back to my old self. Not because I forgot everything I learned, but I don't believe in it anymore. I'm pretty much back to the way I thought and felt in high school (which was way over 5 years ago now), and I was a rather violent, self destructive person. I'm back into believing grandeur; and trust me, I AM INVINCIBLE.
So much in fact, that in the event that I cannot acquire a civilian job within the end of this year, I am signing up for a branch of the US Armed Services.
Come heaven or hell, I'll go in. I'll be going in for more than that too (my father and grandfather were in the Army, and it would be nice to continue that tradition) and while I don't exactly agree with the wars we are fighting, I want to support our troops in a way that would make a noticeable difference; helping them get out of a situation at the expense of my life. Helping other Americans out by doing something that not many people want to do; fight. I realize that this may sound very skewed and possibly wrongful to join for that alone, but, we all will die someday.
If I die at an old age the rate I am at, I will be miserable. If I die fighting, well, I could call myself a hero (even though I really wouldn't be), and accomplish something for once. If I make it back alive, then something was done wrong
Take that grandeur!
Although, playing
Austrian Death Machine - Get To The Chopper while riding in the front of a tank shooting a .50 cal would be great. If I do make it that far, I AM going to do that while blowing everything up. Of course, it will have to be a mission where we have authority to bust down, well, anything with guns. Lots of guns.
So, now that you've had the longest read on AH, relax, sit back, and enjoy something smooth to drink. Me, it's taken two hours to write this, it has 13996 characters (hence two posts), and I'm going to take a short drive to cure the rest of my twitching/shaking and then drink my three shots of Jim Beam in one gulp before I go to bed. Hopefully that will make me sleep. If not, I'm genuinely crazy, insomniatic, and I probably need to be shot regardless, as I would be a zombie.
And, to ask the question (yeah, now I get to it):
you think I should see a doctor and get a "real" test to see if I have PTSD? Should I go back to the psychiatrist again (for the x number of time I can't remember, even though I have no insurance to pay for any visits) and get help? Or should I join the Armed Services?
Just you wait. And, this is a thread of a serious topic. I probably will report general dillweeds and ask moderators to delete certain posts. I normally would not do this, but, the last thing I need is someone to say "Move on with life" - I've heard it a million times, and you know what? I know all the words to that song and I still don't know how to dance to it.