Fun reading.
Here's my thinking. Space and time are related. How does one account for now? Now is only a moment, but how much is a moment. 1,000,000 microseconds? Does this go on till infinite smallness? I think no. Time obviously passes hence, something finite exists.
Very cool theory. To think that we actually may just be a gigantic soccer ball, and maybe the real universe exists on the playing field where this ball sits, ready for some kid to come along and score a goal,
Then he in turn exists in another, similar universe one that mimics our own, so on and so forth - though I sound like I'm joking, in fact this another theory that has persisted along with the idea of multiple universes existing side by side - universes that exist within each other, infinitely. This would obviously suggest a finite end to each universe, yet an infinite number of them "stacked" within each other.
For the record, time cannot be infinitely small, but the measurement of it can be - one can theoretically divide the second by two an infinite number of times (and if they are patient enough!) - while many billionths of a degree smaller than one second for example, it would in fact indicate time has elapsed, just on a scale so small we can't even imagine it.
Oh, and what if C-A-T really spelled