HI, I don't know much but my music is so important to me! I live in a tiny apt. and just took my Pioneer receiver and 5 CD changer to be recycled thinking I could buy a tiny little "unit" with an AM/FM radio, CD changer and the ability to hook up 2 extra speakers so I could run a wire from my living room to my bedroom so I could go from room to room and keep listening! Well I was told that the only way I can have 4 speakers is to buy a big honkin' receiver! So I'm wishing I hadn't given away my equipment! Is there any such thing as a little machine that has radio and will play CDs (and maybe even interface with my computer/iPod) that I can hook 2 extra speakers to and run in to an adjacent room? Or is there such thing as wireless speakers that will pick up through a wall just a few feet away? I also want it to be SMALL!!
Thanks in advance for any advice.
You have a problem.
What you are asking for is a
mini system like this.
However the problem comes with the multi room. If you add speakers and play them at once, you are likely to blow the unit up, as the impedance will drop too low.
You could add speakers and place impedance matching volume controls in each room.H however these are designed for wall mounting with in wall wiring. That will not be possible in a rented apartment.
I can not find a mini unit with pre outs where you could add an amp and speakers in the bedroom.
If you want all the amps in one room that does mean a receiver these days.
Another option is a vintage two channel receiver pre outs and a CD changer. You could put Y connectors in the pre outs to wire the signal back to the receiver amp stage and feed the audio signal to another two channel power amp in the bedroom.
You could use one of the receiver line inputs for your ipod.
One other option would be to by a two channel preamp and CD changer, and buy a couple of two channel power amps, one for each room and feed them both from the single preamp. This would be the most expensive solution, but the best and most elegant.
I don't believe the simple situation you are looking for exists.
I know of no small mini system unit that contains four power amps, which is what you are looking for.