Not to offend here Shock, but perhaps something with your technique when it comes to stripping the ends? I'm just speculating - I've owned several types of wire strippers, some fancy expensive ones, and other cheap throw away kind - not sure how you're going about it, but I'll usually go about half an inch back, using the correct gauge size on the stripper, merely separate the jacket end from the rest of its length -
without pulling it off the end with the wire stripper. This is done with a quick twisting of the wrist usually, without applying too much force. After that, I'll usually pull the separated jacket end off the end of the wire by hand, ensuring that I rotate it in the same direction the strands are twisted as I pull. Not to say I don't nick a strand or two at times, but probably 98% of the time this leaves a perfect, exposed section of bare wire, free of nicks, cuts or missing strands. Plus all the strands will be shaped and twisted in their original form.
No comments on the innuendos guys... we all get it...