No, I'm not going to say they suck. In fact, when properly positioned in the right room with enough power to drive them and playing suitable music they can sound quite impressive.
But, what galls me is that when some newbie (gotta love 'em) gets hold of a pair of 901's and plays them without the equalizer, whether they know they need one or not, and waxes eloquently about how wonderful they sound, how can I take anything they say seriously?
I mean, the equalizer in the early 901's added about 18 db of boost in the low end! You know the 901's sound like an old Radio Shack Flavoradio with the equalizer.
So, when they say something sounds good, how can I really take their word on something? I have to believe they are falling for the hype instead of what their ears really are telling them.
but, as hard as it is, I generally bite my tongue and keep my opinion to myself.