Velodyne F1200 replacement



I have a 20 year old Velodyne F-1200, servo-controlled subwoofer that has recently checked out. I unsoldered the leads and found the cone operates normal using the flashlight battery check, so I'm assuming the driver is OK. However, this thing is 20 year old technology and while I haven't kept up with advancements over that time frame, there is likely a better solution than just repairing the old one.

I am retired, closer to 70 than 60, but still have good hearing and enjoy music, particularly jazz and classical (especially pipe organ, which is the reason I originally bought the Velodyne).

My system is a Carver receiver, Yamaha turntable (I still listen to vinyl on occasion) el'cheapo CD player with a pair of Velodyne DF-661 speakers in a 25 by 15 ft room with 10 ft ceiling of masonry construction, i.e., quite live!

I have been very satisfied with the performance of this system for my purposes, regarding the subwoofer the weak link if I were to think of it that way. Whether I would have been happier with a larger sub or with two or more, I don't really know.

So this is an opportunity to make a change for the better, with little feeling of regret for disposing of a perfectly functional component. Don't worry about offending me for my choice of components 20 - 30 years ago. If all that needs to replaced at the same time as the subwoofer, so be it! I'll deal with that separately.

As for a price limit -- I really don't think that way -- I just save my money until I have enough, then I make my purchase, i.e., I would rather make a wise purchase than a smart deal.

Thanks, in advance.


Guess either my command of written English is intelligible or the question I asked really has no definite answer. I expect the latter applies.

After looking into the problem, it appears the amplifier module, a Sanyo STK4040II is dead. I was able to source one for less than 20 bucks, so it is on order. If that fixes it satisfactorily, all is well. If not, I will purchase a new unit.

The situation with the developments in subwoofer technology over the past 20 or so years is the lower priced units have become much more refined, rivaling the upscale units of the vintage of my old Velodyne F-1200. The more expensive units have advanced but to a lesser degree. The main push appears to have been to provide the same performance from a smaller box.

This seems to be more the result of current amplifier technology providing increased power outputs using smaller power transformers than any breakthroughs in speaker/box relationships.

So the benefit to me is that for quite a bit less than I paid for my old Velodyne 20 years ago, I can purchase a unit that would give similar and maybe more satisfying results - and that is paying with dollars deflated by 20 years.

Reading the posts over the last couple of months, a dozen or so subwoofer models have been mentioned. Should I need to replace, rather than repair, I have a nice little list to work from.

Thanks all for your help, even though no one directly responded.


Welcome to AH.Sorry nobody had an answer for you.However its great that you got 20 years out of you sub.Thats a great amount of time for a sub to last.In any case if the amp doesnt work like you said for way cheaper than you got the Velodyne for,today you can get a great sub that will fill your room for $500 or less.Best of luck I hope your problem works out.


Guess either my command of written English is intelligible or the question I asked really has no definite answer. I expect the latter applies.

After looking into the problem, it appears the amplifier module, a Sanyo STK4040II is dead. I was able to source one for less than 20 bucks, so it is on order. If that fixes it satisfactorily, all is well. If not, I will purchase a new unit.

The situation with the developments in subwoofer technology over the past 20 or so years is the lower priced units have become much more refined, rivaling the upscale units of the vintage of my old Velodyne F-1200. The more expensive units have advanced but to a lesser degree. The main push appears to have been to provide the same performance from a smaller box.

This seems to be more the result of current amplifier technology providing increased power outputs using smaller power transformers than any breakthroughs in speaker/box relationships.

So the benefit to me is that for quite a bit less than I paid for my old Velodyne 20 years ago, I can purchase a unit that would give similar and maybe more satisfying results - and that is paying with dollars deflated by 20 years.

Reading the posts over the last couple of months, a dozen or so subwoofer models have been mentioned. Should I need to replace, rather than repair, I have a nice little list to work from.

Thanks all for your help, even though no one directly responded.

I purchased a Velodyne F-1200B about the same time you did, as part of a home theater system, that was installed for my by Pacific Stereo. I had a Yamaha 1000 receiver system with it. The pots went bad, after 4 years, and I upgraded to a Yamaha DSPA1, which did had a digital output for a subwoofer, but I kept my analog F-1200B. I am 65, and my 20 year old Velodyne is still working great, better than I am<grin> If I had to replace it, I also, have no idea what I would use. I would not used any digital connections, because, all of my wiring, is in the ceiling and plastered over. I also, and interested in any recommendations. Thanks Joe


Audioholic Jedi

I purchased a Velodyne F-1200B about the same time you did, as part of a home theater system, that was installed for my by Pacific Stereo. I had a Yamaha 1000 receiver system with it. The pots went bad, after 4 years, and I upgraded to a Yamaha DSPA1, which did had a digital output for a subwoofer, but I kept my analog F-1200B. I am 65, and my 20 year old Velodyne is still working great, better than I am<grin> If I had to replace it, I also, have no idea what I would use. I would not used any digital connections, because, all of my wiring, is in the ceiling and plastered over. I also, and interested in any recommendations. Thanks Joe

Super old thread for classic subs. They haven't made drivers for those in years. I have an F1200 servo and all I could get out of Velodyne (who are actually local for me) was a schematic for the amp. Chances are good, if yours dies, you will be replacing it. The fact is, current subs have a lot to offer these days.

Pacific Stereo? So maybe you are local too?
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