I graduated college a few years back, and while I love my job ... College was intense, dramatic and full of life. Post-college is so personal and, although I love my job, my social life has become grey and anti-personal. I'm in-between everyone. People I know are either more 'daring' and young than I am, or they are older and married and meeting at holidays only. It's like I don't want to party anymore (in the raging sense), but I do want to socialize...
Now I've been mostly tinkering quietly on my audio/video system stuff. I don't want to get drunk and pee off a bridge, but at the same time I'm not married, don't have kids and find it hard to relate with people I work with that are much older. DJing is lacking its luster, people just make me nervous out there now. I went to a out-of-state school, and my friends are all over the country.... we talk a lot, but, not the same, ya know...
I'm not alone, but, I feel alone. It's hard to connect to anyone anymore. Does this make any sense to anyone? Or ring a bell?
Anyone with advice?
I feel a bit awkward asking on the Internet, but, really I have no one I feel comfortable asking in person. Sorry for the 'waahhh'
I'm not like depressed or anything dangerous, I don't want to come off that way, but, man...life is different!