I just got a Samsung 40" LCD TV (the box says Series 7 and 750) and a Sony Blu-Ray Home Theatre (aka BDV-E500W) for Christmas. We have the following components:
- the TV
- a regular Rogers cable box (don't have HD yet)
- an Xbox
- Wii
- the Blu-Ray player/receiver
- the speakers (attached to Blu-Ray receiver)
I got the cable working no problem (but the sound is through the TV), and the Xbox works (sound also through the TV), and the Wii working (no HD component cables so it is not much of a concern). My question is how do I get the sound from the Xbox, TV and Blu Ray player to come out of the speakers? I connected all of the speakers, but when I go to test the speakers in the menu of the Blu Ray player, no sound comes out. I assume that means that the speakers aren't working at all, but my ultimate goal is to get the sound from my TV, Xbox and Blu Ray player to come out of the speakers. I have the following cables at my disposal (and limited funds to purchase new cables):
- component cable that comes with Xbox (and only works with Xbox)
- one HDMI cable
- one digital audio cable
- one yellow ended video cable (sorry don't know technical term)
- Wii component cable (that came with and fits Wii)
- regular cable (attached to cable box)
Aside from the above cables, there are the cables that connect the speakers together, but they're colour coded and reletively intuitive, so I am pretty sure they're connected correctly.
Right now, the TV is connected to the Blu Ray player with the digital audio cable and the HDMI cable. I am not sure if that's right. I tried putting the sound input on the Blu Ray player as "TV", and put the TV speakers on the "external speakers" setting, and it still doesn't work.