You know about the guy who was so miffed by the astericking out his password that he made it all astericks.


Hacker: "Hello, I an from customer service and there has been a reported problem on your terminal connection and we are here to fix it"
User: "Okay, thanks for helping me"
Hacker:" Okay I need you to logoff and then log back on and each time you hit a key tell me so we can check and make sure the key strokes are coming through correctly"
User: " Okay, I am logged off ani am logging back on here are the key strokes U-S-E-R-I-D P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D"
Hacker: " We see the keystrokes coming through exactly as you typed them. It looks like we have fixed the problem"
User: "Oh, Thank you so much"
Be careful anything too good to be true isn't true.
Forestr Man